Providing the region’s drinking water, energy production and fuel for local agriculture, the Catawba River is critical to the Charlotte community. The River is also one of the most “critical” rivers in the country. To make a quick comparison, the Colorado River is 1,480 miles long with 15 dams approximately every 96.7 miles and 33
Charlotte Area Food Systems Map
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T17:05:21+00:00Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas (RFC) is partnering with the Piedmont Culinary Guild, Charlotte Mecklenburg Food Policy Council, Center for Environmental Farming Systems and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association to recreate a dynamic, multifunctional, comprehensive food systems map of the Charlotte area. This will be a resource for the general public as well as a
100 Gardens Aquaponics Course Development
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:49:18+00:00Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas (RFC) is teaming up with 100 Gardens to develop a series of courses on aquaponics instruction. This will range from the hobbyist wanting a backyard system for sustainable home food production to using aquaponics as a tool for STEM education in local school systems. Aquaponics is an interdisciplinary field that
STEM Education
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:39:37+00:00Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas (RFC) is dedicated to promoting STEM education in local education systems. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. By tying in environmental sustainability and agriculture, STEM learning becomes a very practical and hands-on academic learning tool. STEM education can also be used to teach valuable life and technical skills
Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) for Mecklenburg County
rivendellfarm2018-06-27T15:31:45+00:00Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas (RFC) is teaming with Mecklenburg Soil & Water Conservation District, Charlotte Mecklenburg Food Policy Council and University of North Carolina at Charlotte to obtain a Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) for Mecklenburg County. A VAD is a county run program that works to accomplish 4 main goals, Encourage the voluntary preservation
Sustainability Mini Series
rivendellfarm2018-06-27T15:34:13+00:00The Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas (RFC) team is passionate about showing people the practical side to sustainability. Our Sustainability Mini Series will consist of a set of lectures and presentations on a variety of different topics related to sustainable living. We will be hosting this series at several locations across the Charlotte region. Locations
Urban Farm Management in a local Food Desert
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:40:27+00:00• 2016 – 2017 • 1-acre, sustainable urban farm in east Charlotte, NC • Crops grown support 700+ meal recipients for Charlotte’s “meals-on-wheels” organization • Crops also support two farmers markets in food deserts • Plan crop rotations with the intention of conducting year-round, weekly harvests of seasonal produce • Supervise groups of volunteers to
Assistant Goat Cheesemaker
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:40:37+00:00• 2016 – 2018 • 24 member goat herd • 80+ pounds of cheese produced and sold weekly, year-round • 5 different forms of soft cheese produced: chevre, ricotta, feta, cream cheese, formage • In-house management of all steps in the cheese making process: herd health & maintenance, milk production, cheese production, aging, packaging, distribution
Mecklenburg County Beekeeper’s Association Bee School
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:40:47+00:00• 2017 • 10 week course taught by Certified Beekeepers in Charlotte, NC • Topics Include: Bee Biology & Behavior, Equipment Choices, Controlling Varroa Mites, among others • State issued beekeeper certification exam at the end of course • Mentorship opportunities with certified beekeepers • Continued education opportunities through membership to Mecklenburg County Beekeeper’s Association
Course Instructor & Consultant
rivendellfarm2018-06-07T16:40:56+00:00• 2017 – Present • The Patio Farmer, “edible installations for small spaces” • Offer classes throughout the year on a variety of topics related to growing food in small spaces (ie: container gardening) • Offer consultations, installations and custom maintenance place for people living in the city who want to feel a sense of